Jul, 2022

Biomdcare at IMHS 2022: Biomedica Osteoporosis Screening Kit

Join Biomdcare at International Modern Hospital Show 2022 (July 13th~15th , 2022 ) as we showcase our newest precision medicine product –Biomedica Osteoporosis Screening Kit, using self-developed AI models and algorithms to complete the analysis and inspection in 6 seconds, and the overall accuracy rate has reached 90%.

Visit us at Tokyo International Exhibition Center, East Exhibition Hall, 2-3 Hall (Tokyo, Koto City, Ariake, 3 Chome−10−1), where Biomdcare join Intel booth (Booth No.: F-86) for demonstration.

IMHS 2022: 柏瑞醫於日本展出骨質疏鬆AI輔助篩檢系統

柏瑞醫產品『骨質疏鬆AI輔助篩檢系統』於日本東京舉行的大型展覽『International Modern Hospital Show 2022』國際現代醫院設備展會展出,7月13日至7月15日,東京國際展覽中心(東京都江東区有明3丁目10−1 国際展示場東展示棟) 東2、東3館,為期三天。

以精準醫療為出發點,柏瑞醫研發的骨鬆AI輔助篩檢系統可搭配X光設備或X光車,只要一張髖部X光影像即可快速產出骨鬆風險高低報告,供醫師做為初篩的判斷依據, 我們將與intel合作展出,期待各位蒞臨攤位F-86參觀交流。
